Table of Contents:
What is puberty for girls all about?
What Physical Changes Happen During Puberty?
Breast Development
Body Hair
Vaginal Discharge
Increase in Height
Wider Hips
Other Common Changes
Puberty often begins earlier than parents think―especi...
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Table of Contents:
Back-to-School List for Preschoolers:
Back-to-School List for Tweens:
Back-to-School List for Moms:
It’s back to school time and kids across the country are preparing for a new year of science, language, and math classes. But there’s another course that lays a healthy found...
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Table of Contents:
7 Internet Danger (Online Porn): Child Protection Tips
1. Open Communication and Education
2. Age-Appropriate Online Content
3. Teach Digital Literacy and Critical Thinking
4. Supervise Online Activities
5. Establish Internet Rules and Boundaries
6. Enc...
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Table of Contents:
1. Communication is key
2. Have a plan to talk about Conception & Consent.
A. Covering conception (a.k.a. Where do babies come from?)
B. Discussing Consent
3. Challenge gender stereotypes
How gender stereotypes affect children
We’ve talked to hundreds...
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Table of Contents:
Child sexual exploitation and abuse statistics:
Talk to your kids about sex, early and often.
Teach kids about arousal (as uncomfortable as that may be).
Your kids are never too old to talk about sex & sexual abuse
Know that 'stranger danger' is mostly a myth.
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"Dear My Little Yoni,
I recently asked my second-grade son about crushes in his class. He told me about a few of his classmate crushes, including his own, and he also made it clear that there were some he couldn’t tell me about because he had been sworn to secrecy. I respected his secrets and di...
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Table of Contents:
Cervical Health Awareness Month: Understanding Cervical Cancer
Common Symptoms of Cervical Cancer
Importance of Cervical Screenings for You and your Daughter
How to Prepare Your Teen for her First Gynaecological Visits
How to Ease Your Teen’s Nerves
What to Expect ...
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We want to reframe sex education from “the talk” to recognizing that sex education conversations are a series that happen over many years. Each conversation is an opportunity to establish trust with your children. The nature of conversations changes as children grow up.This is a fantastic chat we...
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