Meet Our Team

Ariel Saint White, Founder of MyLittleYoni

Arièl Saint White
Founder of MLY

Arièl's MLY Mission

Creating systemic change at the root level, beginning with moms and kids, so that youth grow up feeling safe, empowered and joyful in their bodies.


Artist and entrepreneur, Arièl Saint White, has reached audiences from more than 30 countries with her unique ideas. Founder of the sexual wellness company, My Little Yoni, (the world’s first vulva superhero!) Arièl partners with top OBGYNs to break down taboos and give parents & kids quality, body-positive education. Her 10 book sex ed series has been featured in Entrepreneur and is lauded by parents as a solution to making ‘the talk’ easier and more approachable.

Whether set on the stage, a wall, the screen, or the page, Arièl’s art focuses on the themes of eros, female sovereignty, and connecting with nature in the technological age.​ Her collaborative work, edifying real love stories, has been featured on the Oprah Winfrey Network and commissioned by leading entrepreneurs and celebrities.

Angel investor and advisor for innovative companies and founders, Arièl supports projects ranging from remote engineering, clean energy, longevity, land conservation, organic f&b, eco-fashion, plastic-free body care, fem tech, and sexual wellness. 

As a volunteer, Arièl has raised over 2M for non-profit initiatives ranging from climate justice, criminal justice reform, earth based education, ending violence against women and more. 

Arièl lives between Montana and LA with her husband and son, enjoying both freediving and songwriting as hobbies.



Dr. Debra Wickman, OBGYNE Expert_mylittleyoni

Dr. Debra Wickman
OBGYN Expert

Dr. Wickman's Personal Mission

Frustrated by the lack of resources for women with sexual pain, low desire, lack of confidence, I realized that achieving academic credentials was important, and that I also needed real-world information. I completed a fellowship in Female Sexual Medicine at UCLA; participated in experiential women’s workshops all over the world, and explored the range of sexuality teachings and philosophies.

This work has led me to help my dear friend Ariel White on her mission, and fight to create education and a more positive world for the next generation.

Debra Wickman is a visionary and leading OBGYN, keynoting medical conferences with her breakthrough insights. She has morphed her 25-year career as a medical doctor – obstetrician/gynecologist into a one-of-a-kind, cutting edge exploration into helping women with sexual issues: sexual pain, low desire, and all types of sub-optimal sexual function.

She is an academic clinician, sexuality counselor, public speaker, researcher, author and emerging entrepreneur. She loves working with women both one-on-one, and in workshop settings, to improve self-image and sexual intention starting with shifting their mindset.


Danielle Anneman
Donor Relations

Danielle's Personal Mission 

 As a mother of 3 girls i'm passionate about bringing early accurate sex-ed to more families through the vehicle of My Little Yoni.

Jeanette Provido
SEO specialist

Jeanette's Personal Mission


There's nothing simple about talking to your kids about sex, the thing I realized when I became a Mom. Early, honest and open communication between parents, and kids is essential, especially when your child becomes an adolescent. As an SEO Specialist, I'm spreading a message to all parents that talking to your kids about sex early and continuing that conversation as the child grows is the best parenting strategy.


Rizzy Cabato
Social Manager

Rizzy's Personal Mission


It is true that talking with your kids about sex can be daunting and, to be honest, I am a conservative mom who is hesitant to have this conversation with my kids. But when I joined MLY, it became an eye-opener for me that early sex education is important. As a parent, my objective is to raise awareness and help other parents empower their children with appropriate and shame-free sex education.