Finding Joy in the Midst of Covid19

By Sydney Nation

I’ve been Social Distancing for about two weeks. I’m not going to lie to you all, it’s been a little challenging. Sure, the idea of staying home 24/7 was amazing, and I understand so many people are not given the same opportunity to stay home like me. But going into Shelter in Place in California, I started getting a little stir crazy. I soon realized however, I need to practice what I preach and listen to Lil’ Yo. So, to keep my sanity, I have been actively utilizing micro-moments.

In times like these, it can be harder to find joy in our lives, especially when everyone is screaming that the world is falling apart. But when you try and acknowledge the beautiful things that go on in your day to day, even if you are staying at home, it starts bringing more joy to your life.

I started practicing this when I was still going into the office. My commute used to bother me until I realized I got to drive by the Pacific Ocean every day! Looking at the waves crashing into the shore and appreciating the light reflecting off the glassy surface, I would immediately start feeling more positive about my commute. Nothing had changed, except me paying more attention to the beauty of what was already happening; finding joy in a micro moment of regular life without needing things to be different.

During social isolation, I’m not going into the office, which means I don’t have a commute to appreciate! So, I’ve started taking walks in the mornings instead. I don’t listen to music, I don’t zone out, I just try and appreciate the world around me, as it is. The blueness of the sky, the crisp morning air, the ground beneath my feet. And guess what, it’s helping!

I’m lucky to be able to take advantage of this gift of time while we’re on lock down. I get to enjoy playing games with my two younger brothers, cooking with my mother and sister and getting to end the day in the arms of my partner. Things I might take for granted normally, I now stop to take in and appreciate.

I invite you to take time every day to tune out the C19 panic and spend it being present with yourself and the ones you love. Turn off the TV, turn off your phone, and just be present. What I’ve learned during this time is that I can find joy, just in the normal things I already do! Try your best to find the joy in the seemingly “mundane,” micro moments of day to day life; I promise you, you’ll find joy in these times and inspire others.

On behalf of the whole My Little Yoni team, we hope you are staying safe during this time and practicing social distancing! Let’s all take care of each other, and we’ll get through this. Until then, give yourself permission to take a cue from Little Yo, and find some joy in the micro moments already happening, every day.